Getting Octopi working with the Prusa MK3s

  1. Download Octopi
  2. Burn image to Pi SD with Etcher
  3. The Octopi website suggests that you can just edit the network config file with your WLAN details. This did not work for me; ultimately, I had to install a Desktop environment to get the wifi connected:
    1. ssh octopi.local -l pi
    2. sudo raspi-config
    3. sudo /home/pi/scripts/install-desktop
    4. Log in with peripherals attached, manually set wifi credentials
    5. In the end, I just stuck with a wired connection anyway…
  4. Point your laptop browser at octopi.local
  5. Run through the setup options
    1. I used this forum post to set axis length and other printer details
  6. Connect PrusaSlicer to the Octopi
  7. Profit!